Summer Camp Week – With Cats

summer camp week


summer camp week



When you relax and recharge.


summer camp week


Heading into the dog days  of summer now. A great time to have fun, indulge your inner child (or literal child) and be creative, artistic and have fun.

Think summer camp.

Do you remember summer camp?

And all the cool things you got to make, do and eat? Lazy days where the clock doesn’t matter and you have sand on your feet, smell camp towels and sunshine.

In honor of this great summer tradition Cat-Opedia is having Summer Camp week.

A week devoted to fun, relaxing summer activities – crafts, games, food and more.

All with our favorite animal, cats.

Time to get a little color and glue on the hands…..and paws.


summer camp week


Whether the kids are home from school, or it’s grandma camp, or cousins camp, hooky day from work, whatever this week will give you lots of cat themed ideas for lazing away a summer day and enjoying the best of the season.

And there might just be s’mores.


summer camp week