The Lucky Cat Maneki-Neko

Maneki - Neko

A new year arrives and it is common to find people making resolutions, setting intentions and seeking good luck and good fortune for the year ahead.

For the lover of cats then you need  look no further than the wonderful Maneki – Neko  (lucky cats) from Japan which are good luck symbols and welcoming talismans.

Found in a variety of styles, sizes  and colors these cats are portrayed with a beckoning paw (or two) which attracts luck and prosperity. Usually made in ceramic or plastic they can be found in different colors that are connected to specific fortunes they are encouraging and they may have one paw or two raised. Sometimes the paw is waving or there is  a coin in the paw.
In Japan they can be found at the front of businesses or given places of respect in family altars.
The origins and history of this welcoming figurine are varied but a short description can be found at Sushi Cat and a much more detailed and academic overview is provided by the knowledgeable  and well researched people at the Department of Anthropology at University of California Irvine (wow!!).

Over time this Japanese lucky cat found its way to China and now can be seen throughout China in restaurants, businesses and homes and as well as other parts of Asia and around the world. Possibly you have seen them in a favorite Chinese restaurant, or other Asian eatery you have visited. They are to be found, sometimes tucked a way a bit, but are still smiling down to bring the business luck. Keep an look out for them on your next visit.

If you love cats and want to bring luck and fortune into your life then consider adding a Maneki – Neko  to your home and the lucky cat will beckon good fortune into your life.


The Lucky Cat Maneki - Neko




The Lucky Cat Maneki - Neko



Maneki Neko The Lucky Cat