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So, you think you know a lot about cats? Here are some really interesting cat facts that you probably didn’t know.
1 – About 50 million cats are overweight.
2 – Cats sleep 70% of their lives.
3 – Cats don’t really like milk.
4 – Sir Isaac Newton did not invent the cat door, cat openings were around in ancient times, approximately 6000 years ago.
5 – Cat use their whiskers to calculate if they can get through a tight space.
6 – A cat’s nose print is unique, like a human fingerprint.
7 – Cats brains have 1000 times more data storage than an iPad.
8 – A cat can jump 5 times its height in a single jump.
9 – In the original story of Cinderella the fairy godmother was a cat.
10-In 2010 IKEA released 100 cats into one of its store just to see what they would do.

IKEA cats