USDA Using Cats In Research Inhumanely – Action Needed

USDA Using Cats In Research Inhumanely - Action Needed


The subject and content of this is distressing.  


An article in The Washington Post, dated March  19, 2019, has reported on what is going on with lab cats at a USDA research facilities in Beltsville, Md. In an effort to understand the parasite Toxoplasma gondii that cats can spread the USDA is engaging in practices that most cat lovers will find extremely upsetting. Unearthed by a watchdog group monitoring wasteful government spending they discovered research that, while possibly noble, is at the very least, inhumane.

You can read the article here. Please note that if you are not a subscriber to The Washington Post you are allowed limited access of 20 articles per month.

This is an inhumane practice. Period. Research into disease should not be done at the expense of animals in barbaric practices. Beyond wasteful, it is something no cat lover can possibly tolerate and this should be an issue for US citizens to contact your elected official about.

Thoughts please.

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