Caring For Your Cat During A Heatwave

Caring For Your Cat During A Heatwave


Summer has arrived with a vengeance.

Both America and  Europe are sweltering in high heat,  high humidity, baking temperatures. Everywhere is sizzling. As humans struggle to find relief it is time to remember your cat and make sure they are cool and taken care of.


Caring For Your Cat During A Heatwave


Like their owner cats feel the heat, but unlike humans they wear a fur coat which makes them much warmer. And this extra warmth plus the heat makes them more likely to suffer from heat exhaustion and possibly even heatstroke. So keep this in mind and try and help your cat stay safe and comfortable.


Caring For Your Cat During A Heatwave



Here are some tips to help

Water – And Lots of It
Keep bowls of fresh water available. Lots of bowls, especially if there is a place kitty can hide, or worse…..get locked into while you are out. Place a couple in different places so it is easily available. and top up the water often.

Always a good idea to keep the water cool. If you are going to be out put some larger ice cubes in the water to keep it cool. Keep the water cool with ice cubes. Freeze some large pieces of ice to cool the bowl. Freeze water in cat food cans and place in drinking bowls. It will melt slowly and keep the water cool.

Keep curtains and blinds closed on windows that get a lot of sun. Sun streaming in raises the temperature of a room and this helps the room to stay cooler and not warm up. Make sure there is somewhere cool and safe for your cat to rest. Under the bed, behind the sofa, on the bathroom floor. Somewhere cool and dark so they can make it through the day.

Air Circulation
A  fan can provide air movement that will cool the area. Cats typically don’t like the air movement of fans and won’t stay near one, but they move hot air and  the circulation will help a lot.

Consider changing their bed for a summer bed, something lighter and more open. If they sleep in a warm basket during the winter change it to a more open bed with lightweight fabric. No fleece or polyester fabric, look for cotton and more natural fibers. Elevate the bed. Raising them up a bit allows more air circulation which will help them to be cooler.
Remove warm area rugs. Despite not looking comfortable cats do like to sleep on the floor, especially when hot. Or get a small jute floor mat which is cool and softens the floor for them.

Wipe the cats face with a damp cloth which will cool them down. Brush them to help remove excess fur which will help to keep them cooler.

If your cat goes out it is essential that you have water for them. Place bowls of water around and top them up. If you have any metal bowls you can freeze water in them and once put out will melt slowly and not evaporate so fast.

Special Reminder!!!
If your cat doesn’t go outside don’t forget feral, lost or visiting cats who may happen to pass by.  Leave some bowls of water in shaded places and keep topped up.

While on the subject of hot animals this cautionary tale from last summer might just help to get the point across.

Stay cool!