July 29 Is International Tiger Day

If you visited Bing today you would find this picture in honor of International Tiger Day.

July 29 Is International Tiger Day

A Bengal tiger called ‘Krishna’ or ‘T19’ in Ranthambore National Park, India


So sad that a day has to be created to try to raise awareness of the danger and fragility of the tiger population globally – there are approximately 4000 globally.

Not a big number.

Many humanitarian places have articles raising the alarm of the danger of such low numbers.

National Geographic would like people to take the Big Cat Defenders pledge.

If you want some interesting and useful facts on tigers head over to the World Wildlife Fund’s page and read up – and look at the gorgeous color pictures they have.

Time magazine has an article on How India’s Conservationists are hoping to save tigers.

Big Cat Rescue has a list of resources that are working to protect and some places to donate to.

So maybe you can find something to support to help these bigger cousins for the little fluffy ones we love.