Fluffy The Frozen Cat

Fluffy The Frozen Cat

Fluffy The Frozen Cat: A Cautionary Tale

Fluffy The Frozen Cat


Today’s nail biting story comes out of Montana and is both heartwarming, and chilling (in more ways that one). For readers possibly unfamiliar with the geography of the United States Montana is a rugged and outdoorsy kind of place. This is big sky country. Vast open lands, towering pines and mountains. Yellowstone country.  Prone to winter. As in serious winter.

Fluffy, an outdoor cat, was found unmoving in a hard packed snowbank by her owners. She was frozen. Her owners inherited her when they bought their home a few years ago and cared for her. She is an outside cat.

Taken to the the local vets they found the cat’s body temperature so low it didn’t even register. With warm blankets, heaters and baths they were able to slowly revive her. She was so frozen they didn’t know if she would actually be revivable. Slow heating, very patient care and time produced a growl that indicated to the vet that she was at least alive. Once stable they transported her to an animal emergency hospital where she spent a week receiving care and recovering.

Fluffy The Frozen Cat

Thankfully the cat is now at home. And inside.

A happy ending for Fluffy.

But there is a lesson for all pet owners, especially those who have outside animals.

Weather can kill. Hot, cold, high winds, tornadoes. You get the idea.

Pets need to be cared for, protected (as best as possible) and accounted for.

Responsible pet ownership.

The human family of Fluffy did a great job. They took on the responsibility of looking after an inherited cat. They cared for her, and when she went missing they searched. And then acted and ensured she didn’t die. She clearly is well cared for.

So, when there is weather coming don’t forget to make the provisions for your cat.

Have a shelter.

Provide food.

Check on them.

Be a good parent.

Or like Fluffy they may use one of their nine lives.