It’s Back To School Time….For Cats

back to school

Back to school


It’s back to school!!

In many communities across America and throughout the northern hemisphere children are polishing their shoes (do they even do that anymore?) and putting on shiny new backpacks and heading out the door to the next year of classes and learning and growing and changing. Some poor little ones already went back in August (gasp!) but within the next two weeks pre-schools, regular school and even colleges will be back in session.

And mothers throughout the world are breathing a collective sigh…..thanking the heavens that life will return to normal.

back to school

Back to school also brings thoughts of new beginnings, changes i.e. fall (aka autumn) and the rounding out of the year. It is another opportunity that nature has provided to reboot and reset. To consider what you want to achieve and haven’t so far, and set goals for getting it right before the end of the year.

For cat lovers this is the purrfect time to think about your little Fluffy and Slasher and what you could be doing better for them.

Are they getting the best food and is their nutrition making them the healthiest they can be? Or are they being sustained on junk food?

What about exercise? Is your cat bored? Lazy? or even worse…….overweight?

What about their litter box? Is it full of awfully toxic and unpleasant stuff? (meaning what you empty from the bag – not what the cat delivers!)

Do you know what their teeth are like? (and dare you risk looking)

As the season of new beginnings is here now is the time to think about some of these things and consider exactly what you can be doing to help your wonderful little friend(s) to have the best life. Give it a thought. What can you do better for them? Remember these wonderful creatures are entirely dependant on us, their humans, to keep them healthy, safe and happy.

But don’t worry, help is at hand. Here at Cat-Opedia central there is a lot of information coming that will help you jump start your back to school time year to get Fluffy and Slasher living their best lives. Stay tuned!

You may also want to check out other posts welcoming the return to school and September!


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