Black Cat Appreciation Day – August 17

Black Cat Appreciation Day - August 17


August 17 is Black Cat Appreciation Day in the United States. Not to be confused with Black Cat Day the happens in Britain on October 27.

So special they magically have 2 days devoted to them by cat lovers globally!

Feared, thought to be superstitious these lovely cats need a day all to themselves as they are the poor little ones that get overlooked at shelter.

This day is being promoted by the ASPCA to try and find loving homes for these cats, and throughout the country shelters are offering incentives to help loving humans find a place in their lives for these darkly wonderful creatures.

Why do black cats need a day all to themselves? You can read this earlier post that gives you all the information you could ever need!

Magic and mystery rolled into a bundle of fur.

Why not go and adopt a furrever friend today?


Black Cat Appreciation Day - August 17