National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


Do you remember when you were young?

Waiting…..hoping that something nice would come your way when the mailman came? And if you were lucky enough to actually receive  something, a letter or card, or postcard from you best friend,  you were over the moon. Is there anything more exciting than getting a letter in the mail? A real letter, handwritten, with proper stamps! The world we live in consists of texts, instant message, IG, FB and other things that aren’t mail. Hurriedly sent, just a dash, no effort? But real mail, snail mail? Receiving something so special makes us stop, pause to enjoy this special communication.

Can you remember the last time you actually got a hand written note?


National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


Or sent one?


National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


April is National Letter Writing Month. A month long celebration started by the US Postal Service to preserve the tradition of letter writing, to enhance literacy and to connect us. Over several years many organizations and bloggers have embraced this and furthered the cause. With a small note we can really connect people in our overly connected (or more likely  disconnected) world. This event keeps the gentle art of correspondence going, sends out warm greetings to others far and near and says, you are worth my time. I think so much of you I sent you this.

So with all this in mind, during the month of April, why not send a message to someone and share a connection……and your love of cats?


National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


There are so many cute and charming cards (and notepaper) featuring cats that sending a quick hello! how are you? is not difficult and will share some joy between you and the recipient.

Cute cards, and exciting stamps are really all you need to pick up a pen (pencil, crayon, brush letter marker, whatever) and jot a brief (or lengthy) note.

How about one of these to adorn your envelope?

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


Or these?

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers


Or these?

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

All available online from the United States Postal Service – with free shipping!

Fluffy friend lovers in the UK who might just get excited about sending some cat love also have such wonderful stamp choices!


National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

Game of Thrones!

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

David Bowie!!

National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Wedding Anniversary!



So, what is stopping you?

If you are not sure who to write to ~~

  Family and friends who may be part of your ordinary day, but a special message to them would be that – special. If they are further afield it might be what is needed to reconnect, cement the bonds.

♥ School friends, college friends, people who have disappeared from your life. Take a moment to reach across the void.

♥ Someone who has been there for you during a difficult or unusual time. Teacher, nurse, pastor, check out lady at the supermarket, someone who just happened to be there at a time you needed someone.

♥ Someone who maybe did something extra ordinary for you, that was unexpected.

♥ A note to someone serving in the military. There are many organizations that collect mail to forward to those serving away from home. Operation Gratitude,  collects letters all year to forward. A Million Thanks too. (there are many so just check online and select one that speaks to you)

♥ Local police, fire or ambulance workers who keep our lives safe. The crossing guard (or lollipop lady). 

♥ Lunch lady, janitor, UPS driver. Just say thanks!


If you are stuck here are some more suggestions.

♥ What about the mommy or foster parent of your fluffy friend?

♥ Your veterinarian?

What about the super kind people in a local animal shelter who care for the cats (and others) who haven’t been so lucky to find their forever homes. Tell them you value and appreciate what they do.


If words fail you how about sending a little note on behalf of your cat, from the cat’s point of view. Let Fluffy share tales about their life,  family, and adventures? These type of notes are often much loved by children so this would be purrfect sharing with someone who is little.

And speaking of someone little……this is the such a wonderful way to introduce young ones to letter writing. A brief note written by a little one will warm anyone’s heart. And hopefully start the habit of a lifetime.


So, don’t be shy. Get a cute cat card and jot a warm note……Hello, remember me? it’s been awhile but I thought I’d send you a note!


National Letter Writing Month For Cat Lovers